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Build a chat inbox

Create or build a client

Create an account SigningKey

This code defines two functions that convert different types of Ethereum accounts—Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Smart Contract Wallets (SCWs)—into a unified Signer interface. This ensures that both account types conform to a common interface for message signing and deriving shared secrets as per MLS (Message Layer Security) requirements.

  • For an EOA, the convertEOAToSigner function creates a signer that can get the account address and sign messages and has placeholder methods for wallet type, chain ID, and block number.

    React Native
    // Example EOA
    export function convertEOAToSigner(eoaAccount: EOAAccount): Signer {
      return {
        getAddress: async () => eoaAccount.address,
        signMessage: async (message: string | Uint8Array) =>
            message: typeof message === 'string' ? message : { raw: message },
        walletType: () => undefined, // Default: 'EOA'
        getChainId: () => undefined,
        getBlockNumber: () => undefined,
  • For an SCW, the convertSCWToSigner function similarly creates a signer but includes specific implementations for wallet type and chain ID, and an optional block number computation.

    React Native
    // Example SCW
    export function convertSCWToSigner(scwAccount: SCWAccount): Signer {
      return {
        getAddress: async () => scwAccount.address,
        signMessage: async (message: string) => {
          const byteArray = await scwAccount.signMessage(message)
          return ethers.utils.hexlify(byteArray) // Convert to hex string
        walletType: () => 'SCW',
        getChainId: async () => 8453, //
        getBlockNumber: async () => undefined, // Optional: will be computed at run

Create an XMTP client

Create an XMTP MLS client that can use the signing capabilities provided by the SigningKey parameter. This SigningKey links the client to the appropriate EOA or SCW.

React Native
Client.createV3(SigningKey, {
    env: 'production', // 'local' | 'dev' | 'production'
    enableV3: true,
    dbEncryptionKey: keyBytes, // 32 bytes

Should work the same as it does in V2 Client.create(SigningKey, ClientOptions)

Build an existing client

Build, or resume, an existing client that's logged in and has an existing local database.

React Native
Client.buildV3(address, {
    env: 'production', // 'local' | 'dev' | 'production'
    enableV3: true,
    dbEncryptionKey: keyBytes, // 32 bytes

Replaces V2 Client.createFromKeyBundle(bundle)

Check if an address is reachable on V3

The first step to creating a conversation is to verify that participants’ addresses are reachable on XMTP V3. The canGroupMessage method checks each address’ compatibility with V3, returning a response indicating whether each address can receive V3 messages.

Once you have the verified V3 addresses, you can create a new conversation, whether it is a group chat or direct message (DM).

React Native
// Request
const canMessageV3 = await alix.canGroupMessage([
// Response
  "0xcaroAddress": true,
  "0xboAddress": true,
  "0xV2OnlyAddress": false,
  "0xBadAddress": false,

Create a conversation

Create a new group chat

Once you have the verified V3 addresses, create a new group chat:

React Native
// New Group
const group = await alix.conversations.newGroup([bo.address, caro.address])
// New Group with Metadata
const group = await alix.conversations.newGroup([bo.address, caro.address], {
      name: 'The Group Name',
      imageUrlSquare: '',
      description: 'The description of the group',
      permissionLevel: 'admin_only' // 'all_members' | 'admin_only'

Create a new DM

Once you have the verified V3 addresses, create a new DM:

React Native
const dm = await alix.conversations.findOrCreateDm(bo.address)

Replaces V2 functionality client.conversations.newConversation(address)

List conversations and messages

List new group chats or DMs

Get any new group chats or DMs from the network:

React Native
await alix.conversations.syncConversations()

Does not refetch existing conversations

List new messages

Get new messages from the network for all existing group chats and DMs in the local database:

React Native
await alix.conversations.syncAllConversations()

Does not refetch existing messages or messages for inactive group chat conversations

List existing group chats or DMs

Get a list of existing group chats or DMs in the local database, ordered either by createdAt date or lastMessage.

React Native
// List ConversationContainer items by createdAt date
await alix.conversations.listConversations()
// List ConversationContainer items by lastMessage but only return specified fields
await alix.conversations.listConversations({
      members: false,
      consentState: false,
      description: false,
      creatorInboxId: false,
      addedByInboxId: false,
      isActive: false,
      lastMessage: true,
    'lastMessage') // 'createdAt' | 'lastMessage'

Replaces V2 functionality client.conversations.list()

Stream conversations and messages

Stream all group chats and DMs

Listens to the network for new group chats and DMs. Whenever a new conversation starts, it triggers the provided callback function with a ConversationContainer object. This allows the client to immediately respond to any new group chats or DMs initiated by other users.

React Native
  await alix.conversations.streamConversations(
    async (conversation: ConversationContainer<any>) => {
	    // Received a conversation

Replaces V2

Stream all group chat and DM messages

Listens to the network for new messages within all active group chats and DMs. Whenever a new message is sent to any of these conversations, the callback is triggered with a DecodedMessage object. This keeps the inbox up to date by streaming in messages as they arrive.

React Native
  await alix.conversations.streamAllConversationMessages(
    async (message: DecodedMessage<any>) => {
      // Received a message

Replaces V2 client.conversations.streamAllMessages()

Helper methods and class interfaces

Conversation helper methods

Use these helper methods to quickly locate and access specific conversations—whether by ID, topic, group ID, or DM address—returning the appropriate ConversationContainer, group, or DM object.

React Native
// Returns a ConversationContainer
await alix.conversations.findConversation(
await alix.conversations.findConversationByTopic(conversation.topic)
// Returns a Group
await alix.conversations.findGroup(
// Returns a DM
await alix.conversations.findDm(bo.address)

ConversationContainer interface

Serves as a unified structure for managing both group chats and DMs. It provides a consistent set of properties and methods to seamlessly handle various conversation types.

Group class

Represents a group chat conversation, providing methods to manage group-specific functionalities such as sending messages, synchronizing state, and handling group membership.

Dm class

Represents a DM conversation, providing methods to manage one-on-one communications, such as sending messages, synchronizing state, and handling message streams.